August 26, 2014

Collaborative Technical Services Team WebEx meeting minutes August 7, 2014

 Collaborative Technical Services Team WebEx meeting minutes
August 7, 2014

Present at the meeting were: Beth Burnett, Cathy Jeffrey, Donna Bennett, Guy Frost, Hallie Pritchett, Jacqueline Vickers, Sherrida Crawford.

Cathy Jeffrey welcomed everyone to the meeting.  She asked for additions and corrections to the minutes for the July 17th meeting. The July 17th minutes were approved without additional corrections.

Cathy explained that the functional groups had been asked to review the RFP to determine if there were any refinements or additions that they wanted to make as a result of viewing the demonstrations or other contacts that provided additional information about next generation systems.  Cathy went on to say that since the questions from the Collaborative Technical Services Team had been dispersed among the functional groups, our questions would be included in the review by the functional groups.  The purpose of this meeting is to provide an opportunity for this group to make additions to the questions we had included in our RFP document. 

Cathy displayed a copy of the document and opened the discussion by saying that she had thought that security and staff authorizations might be an area that could use additional questions but upon reviewing the questions had decided we had covered the concerns she had rather well.  She asked if there were areas that others thought needed additional work.  Sherrida thought that adding a question about how our records would contribute to the vendor’s knowledge base might be a question that we should ask.  After some discussion the group decided to add a question to our Shared Records section.  The following question was asked:

How do our records function within your solution’s knowledge base?  Do our records form a separate knowledge base within your system?

Cathy briefly reviewed the CTS RFP sections and asked if there were any other additions or changes.  There were no additional comments.  Sherrida stated that she believed that the functional teams could be relied upon to address the details of things like authority control.  

Moving away from the RFP discussion Cathy asked Hallie to report on the progress of the survey.  Hallie reported that she had received 25 responses.  Cathy said that she would send a reminder the next week.  Hallie said that she would compile the results and e-mail the results to the team members the week of August 18th so that they could be reviewed before the next meeting.

Looking ahead Cathy stated at the next meeting we could discuss plans for moving forward.   She expressed the hope that we could work on a report to RACL that would be completed by the end of the year.  

Cathy asked if there were any other ideas regarding the RFP. There were none.

Cathy asked the group of they wanted to do a little preplanning on the RACL report or adjourn the meeting early.  Sherrida stated that she was very interested in looking into some of the work that was being done by the SUNY consortia.  The Gift and Selection Management Product was of particular interest.  Sherrida stated that SUNY may be reaching out to other consortia and she felt that we could forward that information to RACL.

Cathy stated that she hoped that for the next meeting she could compile a list of the ideas that we have already identified. During the meeting we could add more ideas and each member could pick one or two ideas that were of interest to them.  The members could do some research on these ideas including what other consortia are doing and report back to the group.  The information developed could form the basis for our report to RACL.  Cathy asked if there were other ideas about the way that we should proceed.  Sherrida said that she believed that was and excellent plan and that she would like to see the information that she referenced regarding the SUNY consortia on that list and that she would be interested in working on further.  Cathy stated that she knew some members would be interested in some topics more than others and used Hallie’s interest in government documents as an example.  Hallie agreed and the group discussed briefly how we might all share government documents.

There were no more thoughts on the RFP.  The next meeting will be August 21, 2014 at 12:00.  The meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by
Cathy Jeffrey