May 14, 2014

Update on Next Gen Library System Process and Next Steps

Change in our Next Gen timeline --

This past winter and early spring we were working to be ready to complete specifications for a next gen library system around July/August because money for this project might be available in mid-FY15 (January 2015), and we would need to be ready to move forward at that time.  This timeline has now shifted back by 5 or 6 months.  We would like to complete the specifications for a next gen library system RFP around January 2015 for a possible decision in June/July 2015.

At this point we have developed an initial set of specifications and participated in vendor demonstrations for 6 systems.

Here are some of the next steps in this process for this Summer and Fall:

  1. Collect feedback on what was learned from the vendor demos.  Survey for Next Gen Team participants.
  2. Next Gen Team Leaders group will be discussing our next steps and updating the Next Gen timeline.
  3. Review additional recent back-office Library System RFPs  (Wisconsin's RFP plus ?).
  4. Share requirements document at the appropriate point with special groups (law library, medical library, government documents, etc.) and get their feedback into the discussion.
  5. Consider scheduling conference calls with a few groups that have recently made a next gen decision or are currently working on a decision.
  6. Discuss from a broad perspective the most important needs that a new system should address.
  7. Refine requirements / update Next Gen Planning document (specifications document).
  8. Complete RFP (December 2014/January 2015)