NGL ACQ/Serials/ERM Meeting
Friday, October 4, 2013; 1:30 pm, WebEx
Present: Kat Hart, Dana Walker, Agnes Muriuki, Courtney Mcgough, Elizabeth Winter, Jacqueline Vickers, Ken Smith, Olga Russov, Sandra Bandy, and Charlie Sicignano
Absent: Jim Garner, and Ben Davis
Absent: Jim Garner, and Ben Davis
The meeting had no written agenda. Our purpose was to do a test of the WebEx technology, and see if it is a feasible way to meet in the future. We also wanted to check if folks had questions about the progress of the subcommittee, or about how we would be proceeding.
We had a sound and mic check.
Dana gave an overview of the team leaders’ recent meeting. Everyone is essentially in the same position: not sure what our charge is and what our deliverables should be. Merryll hopes that, by the December date listed in the meeting notes from the Macon meeting, we have some form of a document that would express what kinds of functionality we want in a next generation library system. No specific guidelines for the December deliverable were given, but a narrative with or without a wish list would be fine, according to Merryll. These subcommittees are to be the foundation for our work reviewing the next generation systems over the next two years.
The group will produce a narrative of general requirements. A spreadsheet has been posted on Google Docs for people to post ideas. As people find useful supporting documentation, these may be posted to Google as well. If the structure of the spreadsheet needs to be edited, we can add more categories as the need arises. We determined that by December 1st, we will begin to synthesize and digest the points posted in the spreadsheet into a final document that could be delivered to Merryll by December 23rd.
We decided that subcommittee members will not be required to post ideas to the spreadsheet, but we strongly encourage everyone to ask their staff and colleagues for thoughts on what to add. Dana suggested everyone use opportunities, such as GaCOMO, to network and get input. Some teams are using surveys and other instruments to gather ideas. Dana was unaware of an active Acquisitions-specific GIL listserv.
It was determined that at the very least, we don’t want any loss in functionality from what we have now, and we don’t want to lose data we have already put into our current ILS.
The team decided to work aggressively developing the list until November 15th. At that time we will distill the list into a generalized narrative. Team members can still add to the spreadsheet after that date, though. We may meet every two weeks after that to work on the narrative, and schedule more WebEx meetings if needed.
Dana will schedule more of meetings if anything comes of the team leader meetings that should be discussed among the subcommittee. She encouraged everyone to email or call her if we had questions or ideas.
It was pointed out that we really needed everyone to have a mic in order to make the most of the WebEx meeting format. Anyone on the team needs the technology to support WebEx.
With no further agenda, the meeting was adjourned.
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