Looked at document “Support and interoperability of data standards and formats”
- Discussion of whether system is open and thus a candidate for such things as OAI harvesting.
- Are some of the items listed in Cataloging’s RFP
- Cataloging has a seven page overview of questions for RFP. They also have a twenty three page document that will likely be an appendix to their portion of the RFP.
- Discussion of whether the level of detail in Cataloging’s RFP is more specific than what we’re proposing to ask. As per our earlier conversations, we may want to ask more open-ended questions to let the vendors respond.
- Doug is going to talk to Cataloging group some more to clarify our understanding of their approach to RFP.
- Do we need numbers to describe the total number of items in USG collections? Number of circulations? ILL?
- Bob is going to look up number of bibliographic items, number of items circulated and number of patrons and add those numbers to the “Scalability and Performance” section of the document.
- Caryl recommended that we also mention institutions using shared resources (e.g., instances of Voyager)
- Bob renumbered the document to make it simpler (i.e., removed the “E” section references that had been borrowed from Orbis Cascade)
- Current document is only editable by Bob but people can add comments. The group agreed that this is a good way to work at this point.
- Discussion of “Reliability” section of RFP
- Discussed “Consolidation” (2.8) under “Scalability and Performance” section and whether vendors would understand that language. Bob may insert a parenthetical mentioning the merger of institutions.
- Discussion about clarifying “user names” in item 2.4
- Discussion of Architecture (3). Much discussion of item 3.2 - resolved
- The group reviewed various sections of the document for editing and re-wording.
- Our group will meet next week (December 19th). We should all continue to review our draft and make comments or edits.
Cloud Team: Are there plans to investigate whether all USG institutions have the network infrastructure in place to support access to a cloud-based library system? Thanks for considering this question or passing along to the appropriate team to consider in their discussion. Thank you!