Present: Bill Clayton, Philip Fitzpatrick, Doug Goans, Chris Helms, Glenn Leavell, Craig Schroer
Posting minutes to blog
Discussion of whether to post all minutes to the blog. We will begin by posting the minutes of the 11/14/2013 meeting and today’s (2013-11-21) meeting.
Clarification of document version to be editing
Question about which version of RFP document to do all of our subsequent edits in. Doug is going to harmonize all information into the the following document:
Upcoming holiday meeting schedule
Meet early the week following (beginning of December) Thanksgiving since we’ll miss our meeting on the holiday itself. Doug will send out a Doodle Poll to see what availability is for that week.
Upcoming project deadlines and deliverables
November 30th is date for introductory statement and general outline of sections (e.g., Section E.1. Reliability, E.2. Scalability and performance, etc.). On November 30th we will also want to submit any new structural changes to our document (e.g., if we added a new section, “F”). We already have this information mostly in place in our current document.
December 20th is deadline when team leaders meet to look at ‘first-pass’ draft of RFP. We will be asking many broad open-ended questions in initial RFP except for when we need to state specific requirements. Our present version of the document is already a rough draft of what we will wish to be sharing on December 20th.
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