NGL ACQ/Serials/ERM Meeting Minutes 10/30/2013
Present: Courtney Mcgough, Elizabeth Winter, Olga Russov, Sandra Bandy, Ben Davis, Kat Hart (Recorder), Dana Walker, Ken Smith, Agnes Muriuki, Charlie Sicignano
Absent: Jacqueline Vickers, Jim Garner
Dana reported on the Team Leaders meeting held on Monday (10/28/2013). The purpose of that meeting was for the team leaders to update everyone on the status of their team’s efforts at the moment. Bill Clayton spoke on behalf of Merryll, who was unable to attend. Bill indicated that more schools may be merging in the future, so please keep this in mind while developing our functional requirements. Ask questions such as how they would handle the merging of two schools’ data into one module, and the like.
Several teams are developing surveys to send to USG schools not as heavily involved in this committee. The Assessment (Reports, BI, Analytics) team asked if we had information we could add to their survey, but Dana had not yet respond to them. Dana suggested we may want to put reporting requirements into their survey. Our team was invited to contribute to the Cataloging survey. Elizabeth Winter suggested adding something on serials check-in and invoicing to elicit some response. The Cataloger’s survey will be going out in the next week or two. Dana believes that we are far enough along in the process that we do not need to focus on developing a survey ourselves.
Team leaders will meet again in a couple of weeks to share where we are in the process.
Dana reminded the team to ask our own departments or collection development units for input to add to our list of functional requirements as well.
There are two deliverables due by November 30th: the template and the essay.
There are two deliverables due by November 30th: the template and the essay.
The committee only wants a structure for the template at this point in time. Once the committee has structure ideas from all the teams, they will choose one and let us know. Earlier in October, Dana sent out an email to our team asking if everyone was comfortable with using the template structure that the Orbis Cascade Alliance RFP (OCA RFP) uses. No one seemed to object, so we will create three separate sections in our template: one for Acquisitions, one for Serials and one for Electronic Resource Management. Merryll wants a limited amount of specific functionalities in the functional requirements section, so we need to focus more on questions for the vendor(s). We can tease out questions vs. functional requirements from the Google Doc after the template has been turned in.
The committee only wants a structure for the template at this point in time. Once the committee has structure ideas from all the teams, they will choose one and let us know. Earlier in October, Dana sent out an email to our team asking if everyone was comfortable with using the template structure that the Orbis Cascade Alliance RFP (OCA RFP) uses. No one seemed to object, so we will create three separate sections in our template: one for Acquisitions, one for Serials and one for Electronic Resource Management. Merryll wants a limited amount of specific functionalities in the functional requirements section, so we need to focus more on questions for the vendor(s). We can tease out questions vs. functional requirements from the Google Doc after the template has been turned in.
Introductory Essay
The OCA RFP included our team’s descriptions under Collections and Resource Management, so we can develop three separate essays for each area, and the Committee may decide to combine them. Overlap in essay content is to be expected at this point. No one is sure what the end result will look like. We will create a brief introductory essay describing each of the three areas. Dana requested if anyone wants to collaborate on these, please send thoughts and ideas to her via email. Dana will create a skeleton that we can all add to. She will post the skeleton to Google Docs, but will also send out an email to the team. Dana wants us to resolve this the week before Thanksgiving because people may be taking off for the holidays.
The OCA RFP included our team’s descriptions under Collections and Resource Management, so we can develop three separate essays for each area, and the Committee may decide to combine them. Overlap in essay content is to be expected at this point. No one is sure what the end result will look like. We will create a brief introductory essay describing each of the three areas. Dana requested if anyone wants to collaborate on these, please send thoughts and ideas to her via email. Dana will create a skeleton that we can all add to. She will post the skeleton to Google Docs, but will also send out an email to the team. Dana wants us to resolve this the week before Thanksgiving because people may be taking off for the holidays.
Dana will aim for next week to send out template structure and start the essays so we can knock it out as soon as possible. Regarding the team’s list in Google Docs, people are making really good comments, and the document is growing. Dana is hoping we will have more ideas from other colleagues in our respective libraries to add as well.
No one on the team had any questions or comments.
Next Meeting Schedule
Depending on how we progress with descriptions, maybe in two weeks we will meet again. We hope to be close to finishing the deliverables due at the end of this month by the next meeting. Dana will send an email to schedule it.
Depending on how we progress with descriptions, maybe in two weeks we will meet again. We hope to be close to finishing the deliverables due at the end of this month by the next meeting. Dana will send an email to schedule it.
Feel free to call if you have anything to discuss, concerns or suggestions.
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