October 3, 2013

Cataloging Metadata Team Update

The Cataloging/MetadataTeam met on September 13, 2013.

Present: Erin Grant, Amy Eklund, Kathy Adams, Jenifer Marquardt, Kelly Holt, Jin Guo, Adam Kubik, Guy Frost, Linda Jones, Debra Skinner, Susan Wynne, Neil Hughes, Cynthia Ragin.

Group Structure: Team Leader: Erin Grant (Southern Polytechnic), Alternate: Linda Jones (Columbus State), Note-taker: Susan Wynne (Georgia State). Amy Eklund (GPC) and Debra Skinner (GA Southern) will be our liaisons to the Discovery team. Guy Frost (Valdosta) will step in as the GIL Functional Cataloging Committee Chair, replacing Bonnie Parker (Gordon State), who has recently taken a position outside the USG. Cynthia Ragan will be our GIL liaison. Amanda McKenzie will be our liaison to the GIL Next Gen System Communications Committee.

Working process: The group decided to use Google Docs to internally share documents and primarily conduct its business via a listserv set up and maintained by Neil Hughes (UGA). Meetings via WebEx will be scheduled on an as-needed basis; the next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 23.
General Goals:

  • Develop functional list of cataloging-related requirements we need and want in a system (due December 2013)
  • Determine which functions are non-negotiable and which are desirable but not critical
  • Create a list of things we dislike about the current system to inform our needs and wants for a new system
 Near Term Tasks:

  • Create “starting-point” collaborative and individual wish lists for a next gen system
  • Determine how to best to communicate with the larger USG cataloging community and integrate the resulting input and views into our group’s work
  • Look at RFPs and functional requirements for next gen systems from other consortia as examples of deliverables
  • Explore the capabilities of systems currently available, not to limit us to present system constraints, but point to general possibilities and “what-ifs” – we’ve been charged to “think big”
  • Consider the future of the MARC format (BIBFRAME) as well as non-MARC records and their implications for and impact on next-gen systems
  • Coordinate with other teams to discuss overlapping concerns (particularly the Assessment/Reports Team and Collaborative Technical Services Team)
Please stay tuned as our group works to complete our near team tasks and general goals, and feel free to contact any team member with questions, comments, or concerns.

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