December 16, 2013

Fulfillment Team meeting 12/11/2013

Fulfillment Team meeting 12/11/2013 via WebEx
Cynthia Fears, Cynthia Frost, Karen Glover, Denita Hampton, Sean Purcell, Sofia Slutskaya, Viki Timian, Susan Vines

Update from Leadership Team meetings:
Discussed the structure of the final, combined document.  Sent out a very basic draft of what it will look like.
Importance of broadly defining what we want the vendors to demonstrate
Limiting specific requirements
Understanding that if what we want may not be available currently
Please continue to keep abreast of other demonstrations/presentations by vendors
Denita is attending ALA Midwinter.   If you attend any sessions that would be applicable to this endeavor, please report back points of interest.

Survey results (39 responses):
Most of the improvements suggested are actually things that Voyager can do but that we don’t do because of policy decisions.  Since we have grown and matured with GIL Express for 10 yrs, we should revisit some of those policies that were made.
Better efficiency – seeing relevant information on a single screen, fewer clicks
Better/easier reporting capabilities
To be able to connect with Banner and/or the Bursar’s Office

Draft review
Continue to use the outline from Orbis Cascade
Make sure the themes from the survey are reflected in the outline
Continue to make edits on the Google doc.  The goal is to have a working draft done by next Monday for folks to review and make final comments before it goes to the Leadership Team/Merryll.

December 20th  we turn in our second draft
The drafts from all the teams will get combined and edited and we will probably get that draft around mid-late January. At that point we’ll have feedback and more details on what our team needs to revise. Our timeline and output expectations for the next few months will be clearer then. It is expected that we will continue to contribute to this process throughout its entire course.

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